May 02

Board Game Night

Event information

Board Game Night

Date Time

Thu, May 2, 2019


Het Heerenhuis, Spilsluizen 9, 9712 NR Groningen, Netherlands



Lookie here, board game night time! While our friends are away on the ExCee trip, we can still get together and have a lovely time playing board games. Are you again bored of not playing enough board games? Abort your plans on this Thursday evening. All aboard the Board board game night. We might have gone a bit overboard with this message, again, but bored Board does board board board.

Meet us at the Heerenhuis to play board games with your friends! If you are up for a calm but fun evening, this is the right event for you. We will be in Het Heerenhuis again! Don’t shy away to also bring your own games.

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the pizza sign-ups for before the actual Board Game Night. The actual event is of course still there and ready! We hope to see you there!